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Updated: Apr 18, 2020

From the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator - Wisdom 13:5

Fra Angelico visited by the angels, Paul-Hippolyte Flandrin (1894)

Welcome reader to my art reflection blog. I was inspired to create this blog after reading the art reflections for Advent posted by the English Dominican student friars on their blog Godzdogz. Just as a bit about me, I am a university student from Australia and aspiring Dominican friar. My spiritual life, as I have grown and developed in my faith, has become linked with the Beauty I perceive in art, especially visual art and music. How we experience aesthetics and beauty through these mediums is one of the many ways God communicates Himself to us, but it is a way many will say has become lost to the modern western man. My goal for this blog is to kindle an appreciation for the Beauty of God where it may be found. While this blog will mainly look at religious works, I would also like to examine and reflect on the beauty found in secular artworks as well.

This blog is dedicated to Blessed Angelico of Fiesole, that eminent Medieval artist and Dominican, and to Our Lady of the Rosary.



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